At last.... I called Herman who's gonna relieve me tomorrow, and confirmed he's coming !! I got stressed before when I called his staff house and found out his not back yet from his vacation! What does this mean? Does this mean I'm gonna stay here longer than I expected before ??? Three weeks in a row without a break in this "water world" seems long enough for me. Extended one more week? No thanks sir!
Me : Hello, may I speak to Herman please?
someone : I'm sorry but Herman is not back yet from vacation
and I said : WHATTT !!!!!
Call 911, someone is gonna freak out here!!
Finally when I called again he's back and ready to replace me tomorrow. Even it seems from his voice that he's not quite excited about that. Who will ? :p
Anyway, I'm going and I don't care either by chopper in the morning which means I'll be home faster or 6 hrs or more journey by boat in the evening, I don't really care as long as I'm going :)
Well not really go back home actually, only back to civilization. Which means I get to malls, cream bath (hmmm..), and especially go to bookstore to fulfil my needs of reading :)
Next saturday if nothing occured on my way, I'll be home with my husband, spend that saturday night I've dreamed of :D hehehe....actually I really wanna try this new car we've bought while I'm remote here :p
No worries....keep smiling gal !!
being with you
2 months ago