4 months.....staying in a hotel. Yep...I haven't returned to my house in Kemaman for almost 4 months now. And all this time...staying in hotels...either in KL or Abu Dhabi...company paid off course. One full month in Mutiara Crown Plaza KL has given me an upgrade membership from Gold to Platinum Priority Club Membership. So next time if I stay there, I will get an automatic upgrade for the room I'm paying. Not bad...despite the fact that I won't stay there if it's not paid by my company. There's a lot of other cheaper but still nice to live at hotels around KL. So why bother ?
2 full months in Abu Dhabi...I've been moving around so often..not because I wanted to, but because I had to. 3 full weeks in Cassells Residency Hotel, then we ought to check out and travel to Oman. Stayed at Rafee Hotel in Muscat for few days, camping for 3 days, and back to this Rafee hotel for another day before we went back to Abu Dhabi, to stay again in Cassells hotel. After 2 in a half weeks staying undisturbed in this hotel, the training management moved us to the Blue Apartement, for 3 days in my case and my three Russian friends for some reason I won't mention here, before I have to return back to Cassells Hotel for the remaining of my training course. In that remaining time, I still have to move from one room to another, Junior Suite to Standard room. I really had enough of all this moving.
Back to KL at 7 April 2007, checked in to Impiana Hotel KL, booked for the whole month, until I can find an apartment and relocate my house stuffs to KL. Not that I have found one, since this agency hasn't even contacted me yet to set a date and show me the apartments I can lease within my company's budget. Darn it !!! I really want to finish all this relocation thing and settle things down in KL. How I miss my own house where I can relax undisturbed, cook with my husband in our own kitchen, redecorate the living rooms, mess things around, and start doing some useful activities once I can settle down here, not to worry about my stuffs any longer. How I really missed staying at what we people call a place...HOME.
Somehow, how comfortable a hotel is, I will never find it as comfortable as my own home.
being with you
2 months ago