The day was started with breakfast, followed by a short briefing and then we went straight to the water again to do the second confined water training. More skills to practice in the deeper water.
The first session wasn't ended before we got a glimpse of an open water diving experience. We just dived to the deeper water approx 10m only, just to get to apply the skills we have just learned. Breathing through regulator, controlling our buoyancy to stay few feet above the sea bed, and learned how to move. Really...I would say...priceless experience. We haven't seen all the beauty that the corals can offer, but hey...we saw a clown fish :)
The second session that day was another confined water training, but this time it ended with longer open water diving. We went further away from the beach with water depth of 15m. More coral lifes were seen, more fishes, and for sure, more excitement. One morry eel was seen, more clown fish, anemons, and lots and lots of fish swimming around us.
The night again was enjoyed the same way as previous night, with additional barbeque dinner, more of the class session, and fire party by the beach, which honestly I didn't really bother to attend. I was really exhausted by the day's activity, and I fell asleep as soon I reached the pillow.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
The last day and the most exciting divings we were about to experience, at least so far in our early adventure of scuba diving. We were to do boat diving this time. Not only one, but two. The advantage of this is that we don't need to carry the tanks on our back all the way from the beach. The tanks are already on the boat, and what we need to do is just carry our other equipments in a bag. We will don everything once we arrived in the diving site.

The first dive site for our boat diving is Batu Malang. Why they call it 'batu' or rock, well because it's just a very small island along the other coast of the bay. But it has the most beautiful coral reefs surrounding the island wall underwater. So to be expected, we were to dive along this wall clockwise to finally ascend back to the surface close to the boat.
We then started to descend along a line from the boat. The water was so clear, you won't be able to sense the depth of the sea without the depth gauge, which showed approx 18m. But since the water was so clear, the sun managed to light up the corals down under. Even from the surface, we can just snorkel and look into the corals. Of course it won't be the same feeling as if you're just few feet above or beside the corals.
Very intoxicating!! The clown fish were all over the blue anemons, the colour contrast was so perfect. And one of them actually bit my husband's finger when he tried to touch them lightly. Haha..who asked you to touch any of them, as we're not suppose to touch or disturb the coral lifes.
The real funny thing was that my husband couldn't control his buoyancy yet, so what happened to him? At a time he went up, and in the other time he suddenly landed in the sea floor like a morry eel trying to return back to its exhilirating to watch him, one of the coral reef habitants :p. There's also one point when he suddenly caught his attention with some fish that made his direction deflect further away from the rest of the group, and the intructor had to get his attention back and drag him to the rest of us. Hehehe....
The second boat dive was just in Salang Bay, closer to the beach. If we have the energy, we can actually swim back to the beach. The depth here was 15m, and the corals were a different type. I called them cabbage corals since they look just like a cabbage. If we're lucky, we might see turtles here, but unfortunately none of them showed up.
But hey, I had my other amusement here, which again was my husband. He can't see very clearly without his glasses, and he refused to use contact lenses. So once again he got lost. His buoyancy was much better this time, but at the end of our dive, when we were about to ascend back to the surface, we met other diver's group who were about to take group picture. And somehow, he stopped close to them, seem very eager to get photographed as well I assumed. I was waiting for him to realize that it wasn't our group at all...hehehe... After few minutes, he finally saw us and swam to us. I was about to burst laughing outloud, but my mouth was full with this regulator. Well..didn't mean I couldn't smile wide at him :p His only excuse when we were back at the surface was that he thought one of them was me. That's why you need to use contact lenses my dear....
The dive was ended with another show of emergency skill that we need to master, then finally we all passed the assessment and certified by PADI.
Now it's time to go back to town. After we packed all of our things, bought few souvenirs, we headed to the dock, and waited for the boat that would come at 4pm. But we only got to the boat by 5pm with the weather getting worst and worst. Luckily I got the rear seat. After lots of experiences in a crew boat back there in Balikpapan that brought us back and to the rig, I realized that the best seat in rough weather is at the rear. The further away from the head of the boat is better.
Then the excitement has to end, with another 5 hours driving ahead of us to return back to KL. Hmmm....enjoy the ride!!!