After almost 29 years with no in-patient experience in the hospital, I finally got the experience after all. Not with a minor disease or something more happy joy feelings in the end after delivering baby for example. No..not at all. My first experience of course had to be a surgery...
Imagine how I felt. Scared...that's for sure. Knowing your belly would be cut open at one point, it really..really..frightened me. Not about the pain, because obviously I wouldn't feel any pain. Not with all the anesthesia that the surgeon will give me. Nope.
I don't know really what frightened me, but consciously coming to the hospital to have a surgery...that's one thing I have never imagined doing, healthy or not. I would imagine, if I am to have a surgery, is that I'm unconscious and really in pain that there's no other option than to cut me open. A matter of life and death. Coming in healthy and going out in pain is not my idea of hospitalization. But...again, I have no choice. At some point in my life, it has to be done. So why not do it earlier.
I just really hope it wasn't too late......
being with you
2 months ago