Sunday, December 31, 2006

Count down to 2007

Two in a half hour more before we reach the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007. I will experience the transition just in the office here in KL...sigh. But no worries...I will not let the occassion get spoiled. I will cherish the moment myself. By the time it's close to midnight, I'll go down the street in front where rows of bars and clubs are definitely full with people wishing to witness the upcoming of the new year. Myself, I'm only hoping to see the fireworks (if there's any) in between the twin KLCC towers. Yep...the most important thing is for me to review my whole year activity in 2006, any achievements and failures I've done, and wishing to have a better and prosperous life in the years coming.

Happy New Year for all of you !!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Year end of 2006...beginning of a new lifestyle

Everybody is in holiday mood at the moment. Imagine those working in KL office, they're granted with a long weekend, 4 days in total. Man, that sounds good!!

But wait a sec...I'm currently working in KL office as well....and that condition doesn't seem to apply to me. What's wrong with me I wonder. Not only it doesn't apply to me, apparently I have to switch my biological hours as well...not that I have a perfect undisturbed sleeping hours all these years offcourse...Oh no... I have to admit that for as long as I started to work in my current company...let me see...4 years 8 months to be exact..I've never have a reasonable working hours. Not that I'm complaining about it. Well...sometimes..but the point is I quite enjoy the lifestyle. Working in odd hours...having my own holiday while everyone else seems to be busy working. Having myself working while most of the normal working people enjoy their time with their family and beloved. I don't envy them as long as I have my own undisturbed time with my family slash beloved husband.

As a matter of fact, being married to me means being married as well to my odd lifestyle. My husband knows exactly what I mean. Not seeing each other for more than a month, being high flyer as well just to sneak few moments to see each other, to stay awake more than what it should be. And now, he even switches his sleeping hours to match mine!! That's quite a challenge...especially for those who aren't used to this kind of unpredictable working hours. But being married to me..I think he's qualified enough..hehe..

Back to the holiday season we're having at the end of year 2006, it will be the beginning of a new lifestyle for me. I said before I wasn't complaining at all, and somehow I'll really miss it, but I think it's time for me to get a different role in my life. It won't just happen immediately as this year is ending, but eventually I will have a normal lifestyle. It's about time to get my priority straighten. Doesn't mean that we need to sacrifice one of them, but having to know which one is the most important of all is the best way to make some critical decision in our life and not to regret it later.