Today is not my day, especially when it comes to LRT. The one day I'm bound to use an LRT to and from the office, it turns out to be the worst nightmare. Well...I probably exaggerate things here, but truly, I didn't expect it will be that packed in the evening.
I have enjoyed my journey to the office this morning. Walking out of my condo complex that took five minutes, I went to the train station opposite the road in front, bought a one way ticket and went up to the passenger platform. So far it looked good, not too many people around which meant the train won't be too congested.
By the time I was up the paltform, there were small queue already. Ok, still not too bad I thought. Once the first time stop by, ok...maybe it's not as good as I thought. Only few people could be lifted every time the train stopped in this station. I got my turn on the fourth train in less than 10 minutes. With AC and fresh odor of most of the people going to the office, I think it was a good experience. Not too bad. I could get some breakfast along KLCC food stalls also, with lots of choices...nyam nyam..
So the morning ride wasn't too bad an experience for me, just as it was the previous evening. But it turned out to be worst this evening. I don't know what inspire everyone in KL, teenagers mostly, to come and flooded KLCC in one single day. It was already packed in the station entrance, I could imagine how would it be in the train platform. And just like confirming my thoughts, the queue were sooo long and the platform were soo packed with people. I finally could get into the train after waiting for half an hour, more packed than ever. Good thing I didn't have to wait longer than that, otherwise my mood would be soured by all these queue jumpers. All these teenagers really need to be taught properly at school.
Really not my day....siighh...
Now I really missed my daily private ride on my own car with my personal driver a.k.a husband :)
being with you
2 months ago