Alhamdulillah, finally I'm pregnant. Not long after the doctor removed the cyst that blocked my fallopian tube, I managed to conceive. Too long we've been hoping for this to happen. After I realized that I missed my period time which is normally very reguler, I waited for few more days just to be sure that I was not getting any period. The fifth day, I couldn't wait any longer, and I tested my urine. POSITIVE!! I didn't even have to wait 40 secs as per intruction in the test pack's box. The result showed right away, with no doubt, that it's positive. Of course I and my husband couldn't believe it , but our hope bloomed. We bought 3 more different test packs. All the results were positive. was really a miracle for me after this time.
Unfortunately it was Saturday, and my reguler Obgyn wasn't open. I went straight to her on Monday afternoon, to check if I'm really pregnant. She was so surprised to know that I'm pregnant as she didn't expect it to be so soon and so easy after the surgery. Well...that counts two of us, but I would never regret it.
Anyway, I've never known what's the procedure to confirm pregnancy once the test pack result said it's positive. So I always thought there would be another lab test. But I was so appalled that the procedure was so simple. My doctor just used an ultrasound to check. I was surprised again to know that at this early stage, we could even see anything in that machine. It turned out that I could already seen the sack where the embryo develops. It was a small thing, six weeks old according to the size of it. And ever so weak, we could see what's to be the heart. We both, me and my husband were so excited to see this little miracle.
So now, a confirmed mom to be I am, I really have to watch my food. Lots of protein as the doctor said, less carbohydrate, and sufficient folat acid supply needs to be taken by my body, for the baby's sake. I have to reduce eating too spicy food (which I love), less fried foods or gorengan (which is my favourite past time food) and less tea or coffee ( objection there as I'm not really a coffee affeciando).
I just hope, as all parents hope, that my baby can grow well and healthily inside my womb until the due date, which will be at Ramadhan month.
being with you
2 months ago
selamat ya...
semoga sehat selalu deeeeehhh...
Amien...thanks yaa..
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Dian (a hot mama to be)..
Jaga diri baik2.
Semoga happy2 dan bahagia hendaknya.
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