Just got news from my husband that his employment got extended until the end of February next year. Good news, yet it means:
1. I still have to go to work by train for another 6 weeks before I start my maternity leave. With my bump getting bigger and bigger the closer it is to my due date, the more difficult and uncomfortable my movements would be. My feet and lower back are killing me already while I walk. The pressure from my baby`s movements sometimes feel painfully. Should I drive instead ?? But the traffic is really terrible here, it will just give me more daily stress. Even though, it would make it easier for me to go anywhere.
2. I will be alone during my baby`s due date, and since this will be my first experience delivering baby...I`m not quite sure what to do. How do I go to the hospital, will I be able to fetch a taxi by myself or drive a car in between the contractions if the time has really come, or should I call an ambulance, or wait till my husband arrived from Malacca two hours away, etc. All these sort of things do worry me.
3. I will be alone taking care of my baby. Even though I expect my mom to help me out during the first month, but she won`t be able to stay for too long. So I will be left alone taking care of the households with a newborn baby on board. I don`t know how busy or tired I will be, but I guess I would be really exhausted. Should I hire a maid or should I not ? That`s another option I have to consider...and reconsider again and again. How I need the help, but if I do hire one, there`s more responsibility I have to endure. Surely I have to take care of the maid as well...
4. Daddy of my newborn son won`t be at home every day..and how I will miss him and need his support. Another option is to bring my baby to Malacca, closer to his daddy, but I would imagine more hurdle on my side. His rented apartment in Malacca has to be prepared for a baby. Access to laundry and kitchen is a must, which will be too much to expect in his apartment. In other word, too costly in general compared to staying at home in KL.
5. ....too many things to consider...and reconsider
being with you
2 months ago
1 comment:
alo mb.dian, saya tika...temennya maya. pas nikahannya mb.dian, saya jadi buku tamu loooo...moga-moga inget.
mb, aku juga baru aja punya baby. sekarang umurnya 5 bulan. heheh...
so...sedikit2 bisa ngerasaain perasaann menunggu masa melahirkan.
tetap semangat ya!...aku dulu sempet stress menjelang melahirkan...aku belum bisa membayangkan bagaimana hari-hari ku selanjutnya...
trus aku banyak berdoa biar diberi kemudahan sama Alloh
eeeh...ternyata..Alloh mengabulkan...(doa ib itu makbul lo...dan kita jadi ibu heheh)...babyku kerjaannya bobok meluluuuuu...
jadi lumayan.
banyak2 baca artikel perawatan baby...akan membantu membantu aura positive!
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