What a good boy you are my dear. After several antenatal checks that showed your transversal position, you finally turned head down. It saves mommy from having to undergo a c-section, as long as you stay that way until your due date. I have started to worry when you haven`t turned yet.
Anyway, you have also grown just a little bit over the average, not too big for normal labour. I guess you actually want to come out normally, don`t you ? Which is good for me, as I don`t have to endure the post surgery pain.
It is now 6 more weeks before your due. Would you come earlier or right on time my dear ? Do you know that your daddy has started to get anxious about when you will actually want to come out. "Be patient daddy...let me grow inside mommy until I`m ready to see the outside world."
But I understand, your daddy is just worried if I am alone when the labour starts while he is away in Malacca. But such a good boy you are, I bet you would wait until your daddy has arrived at home to bring us to the hospital in time. It`s only 2 hours drive anyway. Right my dear ??
being with you
2 months ago
Hallo Dian,
Surprise ! you will have a baby ! I just hope only the best for your family, expecially your baby.
My son is 2 years old now. And u know, having a baby is very2 exciting. I know that. So, prepare yourself for the new exciting experiences with your baby. And, I wish your baby will be a smart boy like his parents :)
See you...
Makasih Nugie...
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