If my husband read this, he will definitely veto the posting, but I will write it anyway :p Like a lot of people, even myself, we have some dislike in food. Or should I say preferance on what we eat. Some peoople chooses to be a vegetarian (herbivore), some would prefer to eat meats (I will call this type as carnivore), and some will have no preference at all which then I will call omnivore. There's also taste preference like salty, sweet, spicy, etc etc.
Now my husband has this anti-spicy food. Somehow his tongue cannot stand even a little bit of spicy taste. What I mean by spicy here is chilli spicy, not other type of spicy. You know, the kind of spicy that makes your tongue burn and make you hot and sweat and if it's too much will end up with stomach ache, but still we love to eat it ?? That kind of spicy. Pepper is not as spicy as chilli I say, but some people consider pepper is spicy enough. Hmm...they will get an argument from me for that matter.
Anyway, the point is he despises hot spicy food. But...hehehe...that's why I say anomaly...because there's a but in his case. And the exception is so typically him. Despite of his dislikes in spicy food, he loves red meat. Why I specifically say red meat ? Because it doesn't include chicken, or fish. In order, he likes lamb, beef, then if no red meats, he will then choose chicken, and the least is fish and seafoods. If there's other choice than fish, he will definitely choose the other. That's why, generally speaking, I said that he loves red meats. Which is too bad because I love spicy foods and seafoods, but strongly dislike mutton, and not really fond of beef. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem eating beef, as long as it is well done cooked, and has to have distinguished taste that I like, but yes, I don't like mutton and almost detest it. So there you go. Imagine cooking at home for both of us. At the end, one of us has to compromise, and most of the time..as you might guess...it will be me :) There's no question on his spicy food eating capability :p
His love in red meats relates to what I'm trying to tell about his spicy food detestation anomaly. Eventhough he doesn't like spicy food, but it will all disappear if the spicy food is from mutton or beef. So he will still happily struggle with agony to finish those spicy delicious food (well at least delicious for him) such as 'mutton gulai', 'beef rendang', etc. What can I say...anomaly is an anomaly...it's something we simply cannot understand according to the normal tendency.
being with you
2 months ago
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