My hubby told me once before, that in his childhood not so long time ago (if you consider 25 years ago is just a short interval in human kind's history), he always turned in his sleeping position. He started off to sleep in a certain position in bed, and woke up 180 degrees upside down with his head at the foot of the bed and his legs on his pillow. Myself ? I have always been a sound sleeper. I hardly moved a muscle while I sleep. Well...I probably just exagerate a bit, but the most movement I made during sleep is to turn left or right...definitely not upside down. And it just become more prominent with this bulging tummy of mine, since lying on my back is not an option anymore.So, having my baby turns head down again today in his latest scan of 38th week (last week he had decided to turn his head in up position = breech), anyone would have thought that he got it from his daddy. Would you not agree ? :DBe a good boy now and stay in your position until you decide to come out to the world. Mommy will be quite happy that way. Shall I see you again next week in a scan monitor ? Of course if by that time you are still feeling content in mommy's womb... After all, you're not due until end of this month. Can't wait to welcome you my dear..
The good thing of having some time for myself, is to indulge with the long forgotten hobby of mine...baking. All the way back home when I still stayed with my parents, I used to try out all sort of things to bake. Cookies, pizzas, puddings, cakes, you just name it. And to give myself credit (who else will do it besides oneself.. hehe), I didn't use the pre-made pizza base one could easily find in a supermarket nowadays nor pre-mixed cake flour. I actually measured and prepared them from scratch. Hard to believe?? Of course some ended disastrously especially in the first try, but with a little bit of practice, I actually did well. And I had my whole family to loyally taste and finish each and every bits of what I made. The best thing about baking is, as long as one does not bake it to a charcoal like appearance (which will definitely make it bitter), the result is normally still edible. So, back to my plenty time to waste at home while awaiting my baby's due, I managed to make onion biscuits or cookies that I love, mostly because of the simplicity of making them. I don't even need to bake them in an oven. Just need a pan and cooking oil to fry the dough, and voila!!...couple of hours later, I have a full jar of freshly made onion cookies. Enjoy everyone...
After being head down for a month or so, my baby stubbornly still wants to move around at his 37th week. I couldn't believe that he has turned head up in the last few days, or so says the ultrasound today. No doubt that was the reason of my really uncomfortable sensation in my womb few days back. He turned around !!I wonder how he could still have enough room to move about like he did, but apparently he managed to. And now with his current position, at this stage of pregnancy, it is most unlikely to have him turn head down again as what he's suppose to, and there goes my hope of having normal delivery. Siighh....We'll see how it goes a week from now when I have him scanned. Hopefully he will remarkably turn again in his 38th week, such a thin hope I have at the moment. But hey...who knows what the baby wants... But I do really hope he doesn't decide that it's high time to come out to the world in breech position. Finger crossed...
I was thinking to have a quiet last day of work, which was last Friday, before I start my maternity leave, such a low profile person I am ;), and to say farewell to my colleagues, whoever I met just before I leave the office. I really didn't want to make such a big deal of my having 6 months maternity leave.But my kind manager slash mentor of course wouldn't let me go unnoticed. He surely let me know that he needs to see me before I leave. I thought he still wanted to discuss some work related things. So I kept tidying up and packing some stuff from my office in the late afternoon before I leave, unsuspecting.But when he come around bringing a pack of strawberry cheese cake from Delicious with all my colleagues just outside my work area, I was soo... surprised and touched. I knew what this is all about, immediately. I couldn't help getting red all over my face, which my colleagues of course noticed so easily. With additional embarrassment of having red face in front of everyone, my last minutes in the office surely had given me a memory to cherish. Their concern and support for my upcoming labour is really touching.Thank you my dear friends...