Wednesday, December 17, 2008

oNiOn BisCuitS

The good thing of having some time for myself, is to indulge with the long forgotten hobby of mine...baking. All the way back home when I still stayed with my parents, I used to try out all sort of things to bake. Cookies, pizzas, puddings, cakes, you just name it. And to give myself credit (who else will do it besides oneself.. hehe), I didn't use the pre-made pizza base one could easily find in a supermarket nowadays nor pre-mixed cake flour. I actually measured and prepared them from scratch. Hard to believe??

Of course some ended disastrously especially in the first try, but with a little bit of practice, I actually did well. And I had my whole family to loyally taste and finish each and every bits of what I made. The best thing about baking is, as long as one does not bake it to a charcoal like appearance (which will definitely make it bitter), the result is normally still edible.

So, back to my plenty time to waste at home while awaiting my baby's due, I managed to make onion biscuits or cookies that I love, mostly because of the simplicity of making them. I don't even need to bake them in an oven. Just need a pan and cooking oil to fry the dough, and voila!!...couple of hours later, I have a full jar of freshly made onion cookies.

Enjoy everyone...

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