I was thinking to have a quiet last day of work, which was last Friday, before I start my maternity leave, such a low profile person I am ;), and to say farewell to my colleagues, whoever I met just before I leave the office. I really didn't want to make such a big deal of my having 6 months maternity leave.
But my kind manager slash mentor of course wouldn't let me go unnoticed. He surely let me know that he needs to see me before I leave. I thought he still wanted to discuss some work related things. So I kept tidying up and packing some stuff from my office in the late afternoon before I leave, unsuspecting.
But when he come around bringing a pack of strawberry cheese cake from Delicious with all my colleagues just outside my work area, I was soo... surprised and touched. I knew what this is all about, immediately. I couldn't help getting red all over my face, which my colleagues of course noticed so easily.
With additional embarrassment of having red face in front of everyone, my last minutes in the office surely had given me a memory to cherish. Their concern and support for my upcoming labour is really touching.
Thank you my dear friends...
being with you
2 months ago
Selamat mempersiapkan kelahiran si kecil yaa :)
Thanks atas support-nya...
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