I've never thought I will work again on the rig after my last several months enjoying office life. But then here I am, currently working again on one of the rig in offshore Malaysia.
To my interest though, I have a completely different job role this time. It has nothing to do with tools and surface systems or how to troubleshoot them, but everything to do with the measurements that the tools give us and how to interpret the data to geosteer the well to wherever I want!!! Hahaha...no...that's not exactly how it works..but it is true in a way. The client will give us an objective and I have to look at the data closely to make sure that the well is being drilled to the right target. So based on my interpretation, they will decide where to steer the well. Cool huhh ?? High responsibility though, and not as simple as that.
Anyway, my coming back to the rig this time has sent me back to West Alliance!!! Hehehe...ok...maybe I should correct that statement. The rig I'm at now is actually West Berani. But the design, layout, and everything is exactly the same as West Alliance. So for me, it's like returning to that rig, except that this one is only 6 months old. Very new and clean. Such a nice rig. I remember, I quite enjoy working in West Alliance back there in Balikpapan. Not only because the nice accomodation, but also at that time, we have a fix D&M crew that made us quite a solid team, and somewhat fix schedule which allowed me to plan ahead my plans during days off or vacation. What a life!!
Despite of the type of this rig which is a tender (hayyaaa....imagine how far you have to walk back and forth from the accomodation to the logging unit to work or from the unit to the accomodation just to go to the toilet!! More than hundred meters!!), I really like the rig design (somewhat more stable than other tender, or was it just because the weather out here is calmer?? hmmm..), the bridge design to the platform (or so called widow maker, because normally it will have a vertical ladder made of rope or steel, and we have to climb that up to get to the bridge to cross to the platform. In a bad weather, climbing that ladder is such a challenge, I wish I will never ever have to climb that blasted thing in the future. So dangerous, that the 'widow maker' term is really appropriate. But in West Alliance or West Berani, they have a convenient stairs and bridge that is just perfect and safe..hehe), and offcourse the nice accomodation, although in West Berani, the room's floor are not carpeted. Too bad indeed ;)
Anyway...here I am again on the rig. Just for a short hitch mind you, and no physical work need to be done except climbing the stairs, and walking back and forth unit-accomodation. No more going up to the rig floor, no more loading batteries or radioactive source, more $$$, but also more responsibility. Somehow it always comes hand in hand.
@offshore South China Sea
being with you
2 months ago
so, you are geosteering engineer now ???
how long you will be working at the rig site again ??
it's look like that one of my fiend will feel lonely again.
enjoy your life.
hope success for both of you.
i won't be working at the rigsite for long, I'm still office based, but due to some condition, sometimes have to go to the rig to do the geosteering.
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