From my previous experiences visiting Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I have never felt cold air outside the air conditioned room. What I have always felt was rushing hot air coming in every time I opened the door from a room to outside area. They're really hot.
But this time around in Abu Dhabi means cold air both in or outdoor. It quite surprised me, after all this is in the desert area. But then again, I should have expected as such. Eventhough it's in the desert area, it's still at higher latitude, thus having winter time at some point in a year. And I tell you, it's quite chilly for those used to live in tropical area like myself.
Well..welcome to winter in Abu Dhabi. I guess I will feel the cold chilly air turns to be hotter sometime during my whole 9 weeks stay in Abu Dhabi.
Mane aja loe... tinggal dimana ? training nya dimana ? sibuk banget LAT nya ye... smapai kagak bisa contact2 :-)
Udah di UAE kah ?
Udah seminggu bram. Belum terlalu sibuk sih, trainingnya di DCS office, tapi ntar pindah ke MLC kok.
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